Association of Club Catering Professionals (ACCP)
I am wowed. The fact that we took a chance, never having seen your product in action, experienced or tasting it and it exceeded all of our expectations and then some…well, what can we say besides thank you so very much!! Our association is founded on education and inspiration and you have done both. Our attendees were blown away and could not get enough. (truth is, we couldn’t either) You were among their favorite things about the conference! Hoping the bookings come flying in!
All of that aside, I also want to say how much I appreciate your ease and flexibility. That speaks volumes, as we know no event runs perfectly on time and the fact that you just rolled with it was golden...
We look forward to working with you again soon! Until then, be well.
With gratitude!
Sue Burt - Director of Marketing, Association of Club Catering Professionals (ACCP)